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Презентация на тему: The Beatles

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Презентация на тему: The Beatles

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№ слайда 1 МОУ СОШ им. С. Ахтямова с. Манзарас п.г.т. Кукмор Учитель английского языка Фазл
Описание слайда:

МОУ СОШ им. С. Ахтямова с. Манзарас п.г.т. Кукмор Учитель английского языка Фазлиева Лейсан Дамировна Урок английского языка в 9 классе If you are ready for the lesson, let’s Start

№ слайда 2 for ti tu sen get less tic ing table un men an tal ne no the man chy tor noy les
Описание слайда:

for ti tu sen get less tic ing table un men an tal ne no the man chy tor noy les beat

№ слайда 3 Romantic Sentimental Torchy Tuneless Annoying The Beatles
Описание слайда:

Romantic Sentimental Torchy Tuneless Annoying The Beatles

№ слайда 4 THE Beatles
Описание слайда:

THE Beatles

№ слайда 5 Цель : расширение познаний о “Beatles” путем восприятия аутентичной английской р
Описание слайда:

Цель : расширение познаний о “Beatles” путем восприятия аутентичной английской речи Задачи: 1. Учить воспринимать английскую речь Расширить познания о творчестве “Beatles” Воспитывать интерес к познаниям и любовь к музыке

№ слайда 6 “Beat” – удар, аккорд + “Beetles” – жуки = THE Beatles
Описание слайда:

“Beat” – удар, аккорд + “Beetles” – жуки = THE Beatles

№ слайда 7 Paul McCartney
Описание слайда:

Paul McCartney

№ слайда 8 Paul McCartney James Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942 His mother Mary wa
Описание слайда:

Paul McCartney James Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942 His mother Mary was a nurse and his father was 9 years older than she, he was an employer Paul performed well at the Liverpool Institute, doing best at Latin, Greek and English spelling At school Paul found out That he was left – handed – he couldn’t write with his right hand The McCartney famI can’t help (to watch this programme). It is very interesting 2. My grandfather can’t give up ( to smoke) 3. My friend enjoys (to listen to the Beatles). 4. She can’t help (to sing songs). She is a merry girl. 5. I was admired by (to perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony).ily loved music

№ слайда 9 John Lennon
Описание слайда:

John Lennon

№ слайда 10 John Lennon was born on the 9th of October 1940 in Liverpool John's father, Alfr
Описание слайда:

John Lennon was born on the 9th of October 1940 in Liverpool John's father, Alfred worked as a waiter on merchant ships. John’s mother name was Julia Stanley, she was kind and cheerful. John lived with his mother only 18 months. His father was thought to have died at sea, so Julia re-married. This is why John was brought up by his aunt Mary. John called her Mimi John enjoyed painting and reading. Julia bought a guitar for her son and John spent a lot of hours playing different melodies

№ слайда 11 George Harrison
Описание слайда:

George Harrison

№ слайда 12 George Harrison was born on February 12, 1943, in a big and friendly family. The
Описание слайда:

George Harrison was born on February 12, 1943, in a big and friendly family. There were four children in the family. His mother, Louisa, was merry and very kind. She worked as a shop-assistant His father, Gerald Harrison, was a tall thin man. He was a bus driver George was a very obedient child. During his childhood he wasn’t interested in music, but when he studied at the Institute his mother bought him a guitar.

№ слайда 13 Ringo Star
Описание слайда:

Ringo Star

№ слайда 14 Ringo Starr was born on July 7, 1940 His father, Richard Henry Parkin Starki, wo
Описание слайда:

Ringo Starr was born on July 7, 1940 His father, Richard Henry Parkin Starki, worked as a baker. His wife, Elsie Gleeve, was a waitress in a bar. Richard was very sociable, though he was a very weak boy and often missed classes at school He was invited to join the group in summer 1962. He was paid 25 pounds a week

№ слайда 15 George Martin was a producer of the Beatles
Описание слайда:

George Martin was a producer of the Beatles

№ слайда 16 COMMUNICATIVE TASK The four Beatles were often interviewed by a lot of journalis
Описание слайда:

COMMUNICATIVE TASK The four Beatles were often interviewed by a lot of journalists and reporters. They liked to answer numerous questions. They were witty, merry and played jokes. Now one of you will be the four Beatles and the others will be journalists and reporters. Journalists and reporters, please make interviews with the Beatles. The four Beatles were often interviewed by a lot of journalists and reporters. They liked to answer numerous questions. They were witty, merry and played jokes. Now one of you will be the four Beatles and the others will be journalists and reporters. Journalists and reporters, please make interviews with the Beatles.

№ слайда 17 Useful language May I ask… With pleasure It’s exciting Then why not.. That’s sou
Описание слайда:

Useful language May I ask… With pleasure It’s exciting Then why not.. That’s sounds great… It’s rather surprising.. Nothing can be batter than…

№ слайда 18 1.I can’t help (to watch this programme). It is very interesting 2. My grandfath
Описание слайда:

1.I can’t help (to watch this programme). It is very interesting 2. My grandfather can’t give up ( to smoke) 3. My friend enjoys (to listen to the Beatles). 4. She can’t help (to sing songs). She is a merry girl. 5. I was admired by (to perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony).

№ слайда 19 I can’t help watching this programme. It is very interesting 2. My grandfather c
Описание слайда:

I can’t help watching this programme. It is very interesting 2. My grandfather can’t give up smoking 3. My friend enjoys listening to the Beatles. 4. She can’t help singing songs. She is a merry girl. 5. I was admired by performing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

№ слайда 20 Thank you for the lesson. Please write down your home task: do exercise , page G
Описание слайда:

Thank you for the lesson. Please write down your home task: do exercise , page GOOD - BYE

№ слайда 21 Best songs: Yesterday Yellow Submarine Love Me Do Scrambled Eggs Please, Please
Описание слайда:

Best songs: Yesterday Yellow Submarine Love Me Do Scrambled Eggs Please, Please Me… Girl Michelle

№ слайда 22 Make up dialogue Use the communicative task below. The dialogue scheme and usefu
Описание слайда:

Make up dialogue Use the communicative task below. The dialogue scheme and useful language will help you. Remember to: Discuss all the options Take an active part in the conversation Come up with the ideas Agree or disagree, give reasons Find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account Come to an agreement

№ слайда 23 ACTIVITY SHEET The Beatles Choose the correct answer. 1) Can you put these first
Описание слайда:

ACTIVITY SHEET The Beatles Choose the correct answer. 1) Can you put these first names and surnames together to make the names of the four Beatles? John Starr Ringo Harrison George McCartney Paul Lennon 2) Which city in England did the Beatles come from? a) London b) Manchester c) Liverpool 3) What was the first name of the group? a) Johnny and Moon dogs b) The Quarry Men c) The Beatles d) The Silver Beatles 4) What was the Beatles‘ first really big hit? a) "Please Please Me" b) "Imagine" c) "Love Me Do" 5) In which year did they have their first hit? a) 1970 b) 1962 c) 1948 6) Who was the manager of the group? a) Dick James b) George Martin c) Brian Epstein 7) Which of these is not a Beatles song? a) Love Me Do b) She Loves You c) Can't Buy Me Love d) All You Need is Love e) California Girls 8) To whom did Paul devote the song "And I Love Her"? a) Jane Asher b) Georgia Brown c) Madonna d) Linda McCartney 9) What was the name of their first film? a) Across the Universe b) Magical Mystery Tour c) A Hard Day's Night d) A Day in the Life.

№ слайда 24
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 25 Источники материалов В.П. Кузовлев. Английский язык. Учебник для 9 класса общеоб
Описание слайда:

Источники материалов В.П. Кузовлев. Английский язык. Учебник для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Москва «Просвещение» 2004 год Е.Ю. Смирнова. Тематическое и поурочное планирование по английскому языку. Москва «Экзамен» 2004 год Г.С. Макарова. Дидактические карточки- задания по английскому языку. К учебнику В.П. Кузовлева « English 9» http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatles http://shalala.ru/Paul_Mccartney http://www.vseportrety.ru/info-beatles.html http://www.simen.ru/biography/the_beatles/ http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%BD+%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BD&stype=image http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_McCartney http://www.famajor.com/index.html?ID=news&nid=515&id=1 http://www.peoples.ru/art/music/rock/harrison/photo0_1.html http://www.yar.rodgor.ru/gazeta/6/kushat/117/ http://forum.kinomania.ru/showthread.php?mode=hybrid&t=7276 http://www.beatlesclub.ru/board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1321&whichpage=10 http://www.peoples.ru/art/music/rock/harrison/index2.html http://ru.redtram.com/sources/x-files.org.ua/65/ http://www.peoples.ru/art/music/rock/lennon/photo.html www.biography.com/articles/The-Beatles-9203410

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