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Презентация на тему: Scotland

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Презентация на тему: Scotland

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№ слайда 1 Canada.
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№ слайда 2
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№ слайда 3 Plan: 1. Canada 2. Location of Canada 3. National flag 4. Heraldic 5. Anthem 6.
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Plan: 1. Canada 2. Location of Canada 3. National flag 4. Heraldic 5. Anthem 6. History 7. Population 8. Relief 9. Climate 10. Flora 11. Fauna 13. Minerals 14. Traditions and Customs 15. National dishes

№ слайда 4 Canada. Canada is a country in North America, ranks second in terms of area. Was
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Canada. Canada is a country in North America, ranks second in terms of area. Washed by three oceans. Borders with other big country - America. Canada's border with the United States is the longest border in the world.

№ слайда 5 Location of Canada. Canada is situated near America and near Greenland. Canada i
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Location of Canada. Canada is situated near America and near Greenland. Canada is located in the Northern Hemisphere. This country has the way to the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean

№ слайда 6 National flag. The state flag was confirmed by the Canadian Parliament in 1964,
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National flag. The state flag was confirmed by the Canadian Parliament in 1964, after lengthy debate (then already created for over 2,600 designs!). The flag shows two Oceans washing the coasts of Canada - Pacific and Atlantic – and country located between oceans. Maple Leaf shows the unity of the nation. Red - Color of the UK. White - the color of the French monarchy.

№ слайда 7 Heraldic. Heraldry of Canada - one of the official state symbols of Canada. Orig
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Heraldic. Heraldry of Canada - one of the official state symbols of Canada. Originally Canada had its own heraldry. It was first created in 1868 as the emblem of the Canadian Confederation. Canadian heraldry is very similar to the English heraldry.

№ слайда 8 Anthem. For the first time the Canadian anthem was performed June 24, 1880 in Qu
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Anthem. For the first time the Canadian anthem was performed June 24, 1880 in Quebec by Joseph Vezina. Then it was a song in French, which was called "Song of the nation." In 1908, a teacher from Montreal, Robert Stanley Weir wrote the words to songs in English. Now the words of the anthem is the same as they were writing in 1908. Officially «O Canada» became the anthem of Canada in 1980.

№ слайда 9 History
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№ слайда 10 The word "Canada" comes from the language of the Indians and it means
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The word "Canada" comes from the language of the Indians and it means "village". Aboriginal people in Canada were American Indian tribes. The first Europeans who has appeared on Canadian soil around 1000 years ago were Icelandic Vikings. The word "Canada" comes from the language of the Indians and it means "village". Aboriginal people in Canada were American Indian tribes. The first Europeans who has appeared on Canadian soil around 1000 years ago were Icelandic Vikings.

№ слайда 11 The population of Canada The first immigrants from Europe arrived in Canada in t
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The population of Canada The first immigrants from Europe arrived in Canada in the 15th century. They were mainly from England and France, so now people speak English and French in Canada. The population of Canada is 31 million people. Among the native peoples of Canada are , Iroquois , Eskimos . Most Indians live on reservations. On the Arctic coast settled around 17 thousand Eskimos. Life is expectancy in Canada, 75 years for men and 82 years for women. This is one of the highest rates in the world.

№ слайда 12 Characteristic. Language: French and English Religion: Christians - 85% Atheists
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Characteristic. Language: French and English Religion: Christians - 85% Atheists – 9% Muslims – 4% Buddhists – 2% People: Canadians, French, English, Africans, Arabs, Chinese.

№ слайда 13 Currency. The main currency in Canada – Canadian dollar.
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Currency. The main currency in Canada – Canadian dollar.

№ слайда 14 The central part of the mainland and the adjacent land the Canadian Arctic Archi
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The central part of the mainland and the adjacent land the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are plains, which are located no higher than 200 m above sea level, there are: the Hudson Bay lowlands, Lavreptiyskaya hill, its height reaches 1000 m and has a typical lake and hilly terrain. The Great Plains, whose height from 500 to 1500 m, and the Western suburbs of Canada occupied the Cordillera mountain system. The height of the Cordillera 3000 - 3500m, highest mountain Logan 6,050 m .Appalachian Mountains are located in eastern part of North America. The central part of the mainland and the adjacent land the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are plains, which are located no higher than 200 m above sea level, there are: the Hudson Bay lowlands, Lavreptiyskaya hill, its height reaches 1000 m and has a typical lake and hilly terrain. The Great Plains, whose height from 500 to 1500 m, and the Western suburbs of Canada occupied the Cordillera mountain system. The height of the Cordillera 3000 - 3500m, highest mountain Logan 6,050 m .Appalachian Mountains are located in eastern part of North America.

№ слайда 15 Climate in most parts of Canada is moderate, gentle and to the north - the subar
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Climate in most parts of Canada is moderate, gentle and to the north - the subarctic. Average January temperatures range from -35 C in the north to +4 C in the south Pacific coast. Average July temperatures are about +21 C in the south and from -4 C to +4 C on the islands Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The Arctic Circle temperatures are almost always below zero. Climate in most parts of Canada is moderate, gentle and to the north - the subarctic. Average January temperatures range from -35 C in the north to +4 C in the south Pacific coast. Average July temperatures are about +21 C in the south and from -4 C to +4 C on the islands Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The Arctic Circle temperatures are almost always below zero.

№ слайда 16 Much of the land of Canada - tundra and taiga. Grown only 8% of the land, and mo
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Much of the land of Canada - tundra and taiga. Grown only 8% of the land, and more than 50% of the territory covered by forests, which are rich in valuable species of timber. Of particular value are the conifers: a giant arborvitae, balsam fir, black and white spruce. To the south and south-east of the country is characterized by poplar, yellow birch and oak. Maple is a symbol of Canada.    Much of the land of Canada - tundra and taiga. Grown only 8% of the land, and more than 50% of the territory covered by forests, which are rich in valuable species of timber. Of particular value are the conifers: a giant arborvitae, balsam fir, black and white spruce. To the south and south-east of the country is characterized by poplar, yellow birch and oak. Maple is a symbol of Canada.   

№ слайда 17 Animals. Much of the land of Canada - tundra and taiga. There are many animals i
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Animals. Much of the land of Canada - tundra and taiga. There are many animals in forests: foxes, wolves, bears, hares, lynxes, elks and another. In the steppes - field mice, moles and gophers.

№ слайда 18 Symbols of Canada. The lynx is one of Canada’s symbol. Its length is nearly 90 c
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Symbols of Canada. The lynx is one of Canada’s symbol. Its length is nearly 90 cm. It eats small animals. It is very beautiful.

№ слайда 19 Minerals of Canada Canada is rich in mineral resources. Country produces oil, na
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Minerals of Canada Canada is rich in mineral resources. Country produces oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore, nickel, copper, polymetallic ores, uranium, gold and silver.

№ слайда 20 Traditions and customs of Canada. New Year – first of January. Thanksgiving Day
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Traditions and customs of Canada. New Year – first of January. Thanksgiving Day – the second Monday in October. Easter – a Good Friday and the first Monday after Easter. Christmas – eleventh of November. Day of Canada – first of July.

№ слайда 21 Famous people. Jim Carrey was born in Canada. James Cameron was born in Canada.
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Famous people. Jim Carrey was born in Canada. James Cameron was born in Canada.

№ слайда 22 National dishes. The main part of the Canadian food - Quebec food, as recipes of
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National dishes. The main part of the Canadian food - Quebec food, as recipes of French cooking historically and geographically nearer Canada.

№ слайда 23 Broshett Fillet. Everyday dishes Canadians are natural meat dishes such as steak
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Broshett Fillet. Everyday dishes Canadians are natural meat dishes such as steak, roast beef. The best dish of Canadian food - Broshett Fillet it is fried slices of roast fillet of chicken, bacon, mushrooms and onions.

№ слайда 24 Pumpkin soup.
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Pumpkin soup.

№ слайда 25 Thanks. Thanks.
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Thanks. Thanks.

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