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Презентация на тему: Profession of my dream

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Презентация на тему: Profession of my dream

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№ слайда 1 Profession of my dream
Описание слайда:

Profession of my dream

№ слайда 2  Designer  In the broadest sense of the word designer - an expert deal
Описание слайда:

 Designer  In the broadest sense of the word designer - an expert dealing with artistic and technical activities under any of the branches of design. Possible specialization of contemporary designer: web designer, graphic designer , architect, designer, illustrator.

№ слайда 3 In modern design made to allocate a few main areas: industrial design, environme
Описание слайда:

In modern design made to allocate a few main areas: industrial design, environmental design, landscape design, graphic design, architectural design, fashion design, footwear and accessories. In addition to the general art education, the designer, depending on the direction of the activities necessary to obtain specialized knowledge in the field of production technologies of various products, and learn specialized computer programs. In modern design made to allocate a few main areas: industrial design, environmental design, landscape design, graphic design, architectural design, fashion design, footwear and accessories. In addition to the general art education, the designer, depending on the direction of the activities necessary to obtain specialized knowledge in the field of production technologies of various products, and learn specialized computer programs.

№ слайда 4 Psychologist Psychologist is a professional or academic title used by individual
Описание слайда:

Psychologist Psychologist is a professional or academic title used by individuals who are either Clinical, counseling, and school psychologists who work with patients in a variety of therapeutic contexts (contrast with psychiatrists, who are physician specialists).

№ слайда 5 Organizational psychologists who apply psychological research, theories and tech
Описание слайда:

Organizational psychologists who apply psychological research, theories and techniques to "real-world" problems, questions and issues in business, industry, or government.Academics conducting psychological research or teaching psychology in a college or university Organizational psychologists who apply psychological research, theories and techniques to "real-world" problems, questions and issues in business, industry, or government.Academics conducting psychological research or teaching psychology in a college or university

№ слайда 6 PR manager
Описание слайда:

PR manager

№ слайда 7 For PR – the manager are important: For PR – the manager are important: experien
Описание слайда:

For PR – the manager are important: For PR – the manager are important: experience with mass media: education in the field of marketing, PR, advertizing, or journalism; experience of preparation of articles, npecc-releases and other materials for mass media; experience of the organization of press conferences; knowledge of a standard package of computer programs ; knowledge of foreign languages

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