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Презентация на тему: Places of interest in London

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Презентация на тему: Places of interest in London

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 3 England England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
Описание слайда:

England England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

№ слайда 4 …is one of the most famous bells in the world …is one of the most famous bells i
Описание слайда:

…is one of the most famous bells in the world …is one of the most famous bells in the world

№ слайда 5 … are the buildings where the British Parliament sits … are the buildings where
Описание слайда:

… are the buildings where the British Parliament sits … are the buildings where the British Parliament sits

№ слайда 6 … is the most famous bridge in London. … is the most famous bridge in London.
Описание слайда:

… is the most famous bridge in London. … is the most famous bridge in London.

№ слайда 7 …is the most well-known English church …is the most well-known English church
Описание слайда:

…is the most well-known English church …is the most well-known English church

№ слайда 8 … is the London’s ancient fortress … is the London’s ancient fortress
Описание слайда:

… is the London’s ancient fortress … is the London’s ancient fortress

№ слайда 9 To be situated – быть расположенным To be situated – быть расположенным A sight
Описание слайда:

To be situated – быть расположенным To be situated – быть расположенным A sight – достопримечательность Dirty – грязный World - мир

№ слайда 10 True or False True or False It is….
Описание слайда:

True or False True or False It is….

№ слайда 11
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 12 Our text is about…. Our text is about….
Описание слайда:

Our text is about…. Our text is about….

№ слайда 13
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 14 «5» - Ex. 23 p. 93. Your task is to write about where you live, to describe plac
Описание слайда:

«5» - Ex. 23 p. 93. Your task is to write about where you live, to describe places of interest in your town «5» - Ex. 23 p. 93. Your task is to write about where you live, to describe places of interest in your town «4»- Ex.5 p.133. Your task is to complete the text with the words.

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