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Презентация на тему: Петр Чайковский

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Презентация на тему: Петр Чайковский

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№ слайда 3 Tchaikovsky is one of the most famous Russian composers. His name is known all o
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Tchaikovsky is one of the most famous Russian composers. His name is known all over the world. He was born May 7, 1840 in Votkinsk, Vyatka region in the family of an engineer. His father was 45 and his mother was 26 when he was born. All his life Tchaikovsky adored his mother and two younger brothers Modest and Anatoly, who were twins. They understood each other and had very close relations. Tchaikovsky is one of the most famous Russian composers. His name is known all over the world. He was born May 7, 1840 in Votkinsk, Vyatka region in the family of an engineer. His father was 45 and his mother was 26 when he was born. All his life Tchaikovsky adored his mother and two younger brothers Modest and Anatoly, who were twins. They understood each other and had very close relations. Tchaikovsky started to play the piano and compose music when he was very young. But he worked for a time as a clerk in the Ministry of Justice, though music was his true passion. In his early twenties he completely turned to a life of music. Tchaikovsky was one of the charter students of the St. Petersburg Conservatory which Rubinstein founded. At twenty-six he become one of the first professors at the Moscow Conservatory.

№ слайда 4 As is often noted, Tchaikovsky was Russia has first professional composer. And a
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As is often noted, Tchaikovsky was Russia has first professional composer. And as a compose, Tchaikovsky was distinguished by versatility of his talent – the ability to compose everything from operas and symphonies to chamber music and liturgical music. By any measure, Tchaikovsky has work is very impressive: 6 symphonies, 10 concerts and pieces for solo instruments, over 20 orchestral works, 9 operas, 3 ballets, over dozen pieces composed for special occasions. As is often noted, Tchaikovsky was Russia has first professional composer. And as a compose, Tchaikovsky was distinguished by versatility of his talent – the ability to compose everything from operas and symphonies to chamber music and liturgical music. By any measure, Tchaikovsky has work is very impressive: 6 symphonies, 10 concerts and pieces for solo instruments, over 20 orchestral works, 9 operas, 3 ballets, over dozen pieces composed for special occasions. The classical Russian ballet has it is beginning in Tchaikovsky has works. The ballets «The sleeping Beauty» , «The Nutcracker» , «Swan Lake» are the most popular works in the «golden treasure» of our musical theatres. Unlike most artists Tchaikovsky was able to enjoy some of his fame while still alive, traveling in Russia, Europe, the USA in his later years to conduct his works. For example, he participated in opening of Carnegie Hall in 1891. the last year of his life he was elected the Honorable doctor of the Cambridge University. Tchaikovsky died at the age 55 in 1893 in St. Petersburg. He is an outstanding composer. The future generations will enjoy and love his music as much as we do.

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