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Главная / Английский язык / Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (January 29 [10 February] 1890, Moscow - 30 May 1960
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Презентация на тему: Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (January 29 [10 February] 1890, Moscow - 30 May 1960

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Презентация на тему: Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (January 29 [10 February] 1890, Moscow - 30 May 1960

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№ слайда 1 Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (January 29 [10 February] 1890, Moscow - 30 May 196
Описание слайда:

Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (January 29 [10 February] 1890, Moscow - 30 May 1960 Life and Work

№ слайда 2 Сhildhood1890, February 10 (January 29)Born in Moscow, Boris Pasternak. His fath
Описание слайда:

Сhildhood1890, February 10 (January 29)Born in Moscow, Boris Pasternak. His father - an artist Leonid  Osipovich Pasternak, his mother - a pianist Rosalie Isidorovna, nee Kaufman.

№ слайда 3 Leonid  Osipovich Pasternak-Russian painter and graphic artist, a master of genr
Описание слайда:

Leonid  Osipovich Pasternak-Russian painter and graphic artist, a master of genre scenes and book illustrations; teacher.

№ слайда 4 Self-portrait, with his wife L.O.Pasternak
Описание слайда:

Self-portrait, with his wife L.O.Pasternak

№ слайда 5 universities1901, AugustHe entered the second class of Moscow the fifth high sch
Описание слайда:

universities1901, AugustHe entered the second class of Moscow the fifth high school.1908, MayThe end of high school with a gold medal.AugustEntered the law faculty of Moscow University. In parallel, even in high school pass ratecomposer on the program Conservatory, preparing to take an external examination.1909, MayTranslated into philosophical Department of History and Philology of the University.

№ слайда 6 1913 - the decision to become a poetAprilThe first publication of poems Boris Pa
Описание слайда:

1913 - the decision to become a poetAprilThe first publication of poems Boris Pasternak in a collective book "Lyrics." In the same year he graduated from University with the title of candidate of philosophy at Moscow University.DecemberWork on the collection of poems "The Twin in the Clouds."

№ слайда 7 Creativity 20s1917The revolution in Russia, Boris Pasternak was working on a boo
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Creativity 20s1917The revolution in Russia, Boris Pasternak was working on a book, "My sister - my life."1917-1918Work on the story "Childhood grommet."1921Check out the parents in Berlin.

№ слайда 8 Creativity 30s1922His marriage to artist Evgenia Lurie; start corresponding Past
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Creativity 30s1922His marriage to artist Evgenia Lurie; start corresponding Pasternak and MarinaTsvetaeva, while living in France.JanuaryIt turns out a book of poems, "My sister - my life."1922-1923Staying in Germany, participated in the literary life of Berlin, here comes a book of poems, "Themes and Variations" (January 1923).1924In the journal "LEF" is printed the poem "High disease", in which Boris Pasternak tries to express his understanding of the October Revolution.

№ слайда 9 The War Years1941Translated and published the "Hamlet", begins work on the trans
Описание слайда:

The War Years1941Translated and published the "Hamlet", begins work on the translation of "Romeo and Juliet.«July-AugustEvacuation of the family in Chistopol, the first "war" poems.1943As part of the writer Boris Pasternak team is sent to the Bryansk Front.1945 It turns out the last book of poetry lifetime Boris Pasternak "Selected poems".

№ слайда 10 In an atmosphere of repression1945-1955Work on the novel "Doctor Zhivago".Octobe
Описание слайда:

In an atmosphere of repression1945-1955Work on the novel "Doctor Zhivago".OctoberAcquainted with Olga Vsevolodovna Ivinskaya.

№ слайда 11 Boris Pasternak and Olga Ivinskaya
Описание слайда:

Boris Pasternak and Olga Ivinskaya

№ слайда 12 The Last Days of the poet1959 In the British newspaper published a poem, "Nobel
Описание слайда:

The Last Days of the poet1959 In the British newspaper published a poem, "Nobel Prize", followed by Boris Pasternakcalled to the Attorney-General RA Rudenko, faces charges of treason and prohibitmeetings with foreigners.1960, February 10Seventieth anniversary of the writer. He begins work on the play "Blind Beauty".May 30Boris Pasternak died at his dacha in Peredelkino.

№ слайда 13 The grave of the writer in Peredelkino
Описание слайда:

The grave of the writer in Peredelkino

№ слайда 14 House Museum in Peredelkino
Описание слайда:

House Museum in Peredelkino

№ слайда 15 Boris Pasternak
Описание слайда:

Boris Pasternak

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