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Презентация на тему: Modern English Word Formation

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Презентация на тему: Modern English Word Formation

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№ слайда 6 The bad news is that even if you have an The bad news is that even if you have a
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The bad news is that even if you have an The bad news is that even if you have an excellent vocabulary, you know only a small percentage of those words. The good news, however, is that you can increase your vocabulary throughout your life. The even better news is that once you have learnt a new word, it is yours for life. It will always be stored away, ready to be recalled the next time you have a conversation or write a letter or composition.

№ слайда 7 Let’s take, for example, the Let’s take, for example, the word ‘titanic’ in the
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Let’s take, for example, the Let’s take, for example, the word ‘titanic’ in the following sentences. 1. The Titanic sank in the North Atlantic on an April night in 1912 after hitting an iceberg. 2. The enemies were locked in a titanic struggle. You can tell from the first sentence that Titanic is a ship and from the second sentence that ‘titanic’ means “having great size, force or power.

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№ слайда 9 English is a living, growing language; new words are English is a living, growin
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English is a living, growing language; new words are English is a living, growing language; new words are constantly being added. English words come from many sources. Some come from the dead language Latin, and others come from ancient Greek. Knowing the words and parts of words borrowed from Latin and Greek can help us understand the meaning of many English words. In general, English words are of two kinds:

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№ слайда 14 Derivational suffixes can be classified according to the parts of speech. Deriva
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Derivational suffixes can be classified according to the parts of speech. Derivational suffixes can be classified according to the parts of speech.

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№ слайда 19 When speaking about the structure of words stems should When speaking about the
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When speaking about the structure of words stems should When speaking about the structure of words stems should also be mentioned. The stem is the part of the word which remains unchanged throughout the paradigm of the word. Stems have not only the lexical meaning but also grammatical meaning. They can be noun stems, adjective stems and verb stems. Sometimes it is rather difficult to distinguish between simple and derived words, especially in the cases of phonetic borrowings from other languages and of native languages with blocked morphemes, e.g. “cranberry”, “absence”,etc.

№ слайда 20 Compound nouns are nouns built from two or more roots. Compound nouns are nouns
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Compound nouns are nouns built from two or more roots. Compound nouns are nouns built from two or more roots. They often have one stress. The meaning of a compound often differs from the meaning of its elements. Compounding- is one of the productive types of word-formation in Modern English. Compound words are inseparable vocabulary units. They are formally and semantically dependent on the constituent bases and the semantic relations between them which mirror the relations between the motivating units. The main types of compound nouns are as follows:

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№ слайда 23 Such words as asleep, abed, ablaze, afraid, akin, alive have Such words as aslee
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Such words as asleep, abed, ablaze, afraid, akin, alive have Such words as asleep, abed, ablaze, afraid, akin, alive have been named adjectives, though they can’t be attributes in a sentence, and though their meaning doesn’t seem to be that of property. The a- means on, in or at. Statives are invariable. They often show a temporary state rather than a permanent one. They most usually follow a link-verb (was asleep) or they can be used like a participle, but they can’t go before the noun they modify. In the sentence a stative is most usually a predicative (he fell asleep).

№ слайда 24 Conversion, one of the principal ways of forming words in Modern Conversion, one
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Conversion, one of the principal ways of forming words in Modern Conversion, one of the principal ways of forming words in Modern English is highly productive in replenishing the English word-stock with new words. This term refers to the numerous cases of words belonging to different parts of speech. This may be illustrated by the following cases: work – to work; love – to love; paper – to paper. As a rule we deal with simple words. There is a certain difference on the morphological level between various parts of speech, mostly between nouns and verbs. What serves a word- building means? The answer is a paradigm. As it is a morphologi- cal category, conversion can be described as a morphological way of forming words.

№ слайда 25 Blends are words formed from a word-group or two synonyms. Blends are words form
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Blends are words formed from a word-group or two synonyms. Blends are words formed from a word-group or two synonyms. In blends two ways of word-building are combined: abbreviation and composition. To form a blend we clip the end of the first component and the beginning of the second component. As a result we have a compound –shortened word. One of the first blends in English was the word “smog” from two synonyms: smoke and fog. Mostly blends are formed from a word-group:

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