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Презентация на тему: Make the most of your money

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Презентация на тему: Make the most of your money

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№ слайда 1 Make the most of your money New Millennium English 8Unit 2 Lesson 8 Money spent
Описание слайда:

Make the most of your money New Millennium English 8Unit 2 Lesson 8 Money spent on the brain is never spent in vainproverb

№ слайда 2 credit card [kredıt ka:d] notes [nəυts] coins [kɔınz] currencies [kʌrənsız] cheq
Описание слайда:

credit card [kredıt ka:d] notes [nəυts] coins [kɔınz] currencies [kʌrənsız] cheque [tʃek] cash [kæʃ] discount[dıs´kaʋnt]

№ слайда 3 Remember the active vocabulary 1.advertise A. запомнить2.annoying B. рекламирова
Описание слайда:

Remember the active vocabulary 1.advertise A. запомнить2.annoying B. рекламировать 3.commercial C.поощрять, ободрять4.encourage D. развлекатьcя5.get entertained E.раздражающий6.selective F.коммерческий7.stick in your head G.избирательный

№ слайда 4 Find the Definition 1.The coins or banknotes a) shopthat you use to buy things2.
Описание слайда:

Find the Definition 1.The coins or banknotes a) shopthat you use to buy things2. A place where you buy b) money different things3. A large shop with many c) shop assistantdepartments 4. A person who buys d) customerthings in the shop5. A person who works e) department in a shop store

№ слайда 5 One Оdd Out 1.a) shop assistant, b) cashier, c) baker d)2. a) buy, b) , c) go sh
Описание слайда:

One Оdd Out 1.a) shop assistant, b) cashier, c) baker d)2. a) buy, b) , c) go shopping, d) choose3. a) , b) bag, c) basket, d) packet4. a) supermarket, b) shop, c) , d) market5. a) money, b) coin, c) , d) banknote6. a) cost, b) sell, c) , d) try on7. a) fit, b) match, c) , d) suit

№ слайда 6 Make up sentences May I try this blouse on? is, your, Where, list? shopping Bori
Описание слайда:

Make up sentences May I try this blouse on? is, your, Where, list? shopping Boris bought a new T-shirt for the party

№ слайда 7 TV advertisements Advantagesfun to watchpeople get entertainedsongs are coolhelp
Описание слайда:

TV advertisements Advantagesfun to watchpeople get entertainedsongs are coolhelp to choose goodsuseful informationsome are excitingencourage to buy presentsvery relaxing Disadvantagesboring and repetitivemake me cringeyou may go madchewing gum for eyeseverywhere andall the timesometimes tell liesstick in your head

№ слайда 8 Are you for TV advertising or are you against it? I’m for Ads because … Ads shou
Описание слайда:

Are you for TV advertising or are you against it? I’m for Ads because … Ads should be banned because …

№ слайда 9 Spending money on books on presents to friends on comics and magazines on comput
Описание слайда:

Spending money on books on presents to friends on comics and magazines on computer games

№ слайда 10 Make up short dialogues. Use the words prompted: -Did you buy a present for Jane
Описание слайда:

Make up short dialogues. Use the words prompted: -Did you buy a present for Jane yesterday?Yes, I chose an interesting book for her.Marry – a bottle of perfumeyour sister – a bagyour friend – a new CD

№ слайда 11 Make up short dialogues - I think this suit is a bit loose on you.-I quite agree
Описание слайда:

Make up short dialogues - I think this suit is a bit loose on you.-I quite agree with you.shirt, raincoat, jacket

№ слайда 12 -The coat is rather tight. Give me a size larger.Here you are.Sweater, trousers,
Описание слайда:

-The coat is rather tight. Give me a size larger.Here you are.Sweater, trousers, suit Make up short dialogues

№ слайда 13 Make up short dialogues How do you like this suit?You look smart in it , and it
Описание слайда:

Make up short dialogues How do you like this suit?You look smart in it , and it fits you well.Raincoat, frock, jacket

№ слайда 14 Make up short dialogues -This suit is too expensive. Will you show me something
Описание слайда:

Make up short dialogues -This suit is too expensive. Will you show me something cheaper?Certainly.Hat, bag, shoes, trousers

№ слайда 15 Would you like to relax?Would you like to buy anything? Asking for a favour Agre
Описание слайда:

Would you like to relax?Would you like to buy anything? Asking for a favour Agreeing Thanking Replying

№ слайда 16 Harrods inKnightbridge Selfridges King’s Road in Chelsea
Описание слайда:

Harrods inKnightbridge Selfridges King’s Road in Chelsea

№ слайда 17 Shopping in London
Описание слайда:

Shopping in London

№ слайда 18 Shopping in London 1.Big department stores in Oxford Street are … Selfridges, 2.
Описание слайда:

Shopping in London 1.Big department stores in Oxford Street are … Selfridges, 2. … Garden market is open every day. 3. The smartest and most expensive shops are in Knightsbridge, but more people come to … 4. Twice a year, in January and July … has a “sale”.

№ слайда 19 Make the most of your money
Описание слайда:

Make the most of your money

№ слайда 20 Are you ready for the test? I need a new jacket ___ my new jeans.to fit to suit
Описание слайда:

Are you ready for the test? I need a new jacket ___ my new jeans.to fit to suit

№ слайда 21 Самое дорогое в жизни бесплатно. The best things in life are free. Копейка рубль
Описание слайда:

Самое дорогое в жизни бесплатно. The best things in life are free. Копейка рубль бережет. A penny saved is a penny earned. Value time over money – only time cannot be replenished. …только время невозможно вернуть.

№ слайда 22 Good Luck!
Описание слайда:

Good Luck!

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