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Презентация на тему: Friendship

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Презентация на тему: Friendship

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№ слайда 1 Project "Friendship"Have prepared:Zubkova ValentinaGirevaya YanaZavgorodniy Alex
Описание слайда:

Project "Friendship"Have prepared:Zubkova ValentinaGirevaya YanaZavgorodniy AlexСhmelenko Dima

№ слайда 2 What is friendship? Friendship is a thing for two,Three or four, even more,Like
Описание слайда:

What is friendship? Friendship is a thing for two,Three or four, even more,Like a song that is made to sing.Friendship is a doing thing The friendship is when people wish to betogether when they interest each other,trust each other. The friendship is possible only at observance of the certain laws, Major of which are respect of the rights each other, skill to recognize the mistakes, compulsion, absence of disputes on tastes, tolerance and the fair criticism.

№ слайда 3 What is a friend? The friend is a person who is connected with whom that friends
Описание слайда:

What is a friend? The friend is a person who is connected with whom that friendship. The present friend can support not only is emotional, but also in other ways accessible to him, and such support always is disinterested, goes with all the heart. The present friend is better, than someone another will understand our mood, ours experiences, will divide pleasure and afflictions, will show sympathy, will console and will support a difficult minute.

№ слайда 4 Our best friend Fedya RapinchykHobbies – watching telly, playing guitar, playing
Описание слайда:

Our best friend Fedya RapinchykHobbies – watching telly, playing guitar, playing football, likes to play a computer.Personality – sociable, cheerful, the soul of the company, always ready to help.

№ слайда 5 Problems with our friend We often quarrel with Fedya because he likes to order a
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Problems with our friend We often quarrel with Fedya because he likes to order and consequently that he often brings us.

№ слайда 6 Pen friends To be friends it is possible not only in the real world, but also in
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Pen friends To be friends it is possible not only in the real world, but also in virtual. In such a way people get acquainted, try to make friends with different people from other countries. Even we communicate on the Internet the girl from Asia

№ слайда 7 Our opinions are… I think, that friendship are the mutual relations based on a m
Описание слайда:

Our opinions are… I think, that friendship are the mutual relations based on a mutual openness, full confidence, a generality of interests, fidelities of people each other, their constant readiness at any moment to come each other to the aid. For me the friendship means affinity and mutual gravitation of people to each other

№ слайда 8 Our opinions are… I think, that is more than the pleasant company or affinity of
Описание слайда:

Our opinions are… I think, that is more than the pleasant company or affinity of interests. Friendship - the deep, sincere attitudes including the whole complex of emotions, For friendship deep mutual understanding people is characteristic For me to be friends is voluntary the property or feelings shares with other that for you time or secrets is important, whether it be yours.

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