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Презентация на тему: Family and Family Relationship

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Презентация на тему: Family and Family Relationship

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Brothers/sisters Brothers/sisters Play with each other (don’t ) get on well Argu
Описание слайда:

Brothers/sisters Brothers/sisters Play with each other (don’t ) get on well Argue with each other Have arguments and fights

№ слайда 3 My name is Kate. I am … in the family. Ann is …than I, but she is … than Dasha M
Описание слайда:

My name is Kate. I am … in the family. Ann is …than I, but she is … than Dasha My sister Dasha is …in our family. We love our mother and spend together our summer holidays.

№ слайда 4 Is your family large? Is your family large? Yes, our family is a large one. Ther
Описание слайда:

Is your family large? Is your family large? Yes, our family is a large one. There are 5 of us. I have got a mother, a father, and two brothers. Are your brothers younger than you? No, they are both older. I’m the youngest child in the family. And everybody has a pet I believe? Oh, yes!

№ слайда 5 It is your parents’ child. It is neither your brother nor your sister. Who is it
Описание слайда:

It is your parents’ child. It is neither your brother nor your sister. Who is it? It is your parents’ child. It is neither your brother nor your sister. Who is it? Two people are walking along the street. One says, “This is my father’s house. But I am not his son. Who speaks?

№ слайда 6 Once upon a time there sat two Indians, a little Indian and a big Indian. The li
Описание слайда:

Once upon a time there sat two Indians, a little Indian and a big Indian. The little Indian was the son of the big Indian, but the big Indian wasn’t his father. Explain it. Once upon a time there sat two Indians, a little Indian and a big Indian. The little Indian was the son of the big Indian, but the big Indian wasn’t his father. Explain it.

№ слайда 7 A son of one’s brother or sister A son of one’s brother or sister A daughter of
Описание слайда:

A son of one’s brother or sister A son of one’s brother or sister A daughter of one’s brother or sister Children born at the same time by the same mother A son’s wife A daughter’s husband Parents of one’s mother (grandparents, twins, sister-in-law, nephew niece, brother-in-law)

№ слайда 8 aunt boy daughter father aunt boy daughter father child cousin girlfriend grandf
Описание слайда:

aunt boy daughter father aunt boy daughter father child cousin girlfriend grandfather friend girl husband man niece parent grandmother nephew mother son wife woman sister uncle boyfriend brother

№ слайда 9 Parents must give their children more love. Parents must give their children mor
Описание слайда:

Parents must give their children more love. Parents must give their children more love. Parents must talk to their children more often. Parents must try to understand their children. Parents must give their children more freedom. Parents must help their children with problems they have at school.

№ слайда 10 I Help… I like to help my Mother, I Help… I like to help my Mother, To clean the
Описание слайда:

I Help… I like to help my Mother, I Help… I like to help my Mother, To clean the room with Father , To sweep the floor with Brother. It’s not much work but rather. To iron helps me Sister. I train with Aunt tongue-twister. It’s very hard to be polite And always say Grandma good night. To walk with dogs Black, Brown, White, To play with cats a day not night – All doing that I get great pleasure, But there’s no time to have some leisure.

№ слайда 11 To wash dishes, to cook To wash dishes, to cook To do the ironing to tidy up the
Описание слайда:

To wash dishes, to cook To wash dishes, to cook To do the ironing to tidy up the room To clean the house to sweep the floor To do the washing to go shopping

№ слайда 12
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 13
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 14 We should help each other; We should help each other; We should support each oth
Описание слайда:

We should help each other; We should help each other; We should support each other; We shouldn’t quarrel; We should help our mother about the house; We should be polite; We should do any work thoroughly ( home task, work about the house, etc.).

№ слайда 15 In a friendly family members In a friendly family members In a hospitable family
Описание слайда:

In a friendly family members In a friendly family members In a hospitable family members In an ideal family members In a conservative family members

№ слайда 16 We have many roots in Russia, that’s why I choose three colours: white, red and
Описание слайда:

We have many roots in Russia, that’s why I choose three colours: white, red and blue. We have many roots in Russia, that’s why I choose three colours: white, red and blue. We like flower. So, tulip is on the coat of the arm. All members of our family like to go in for sport. Then, a tennis rocket is here. A birch tree is the symbol of Russia. We planted it in our yard. Look, here it is.

№ слайда 17
Описание слайда:

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