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Презентация на тему: Ecuador

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Презентация на тему: Ecuador

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№ слайда 1 Эквадор Ecuador Prezentacii.com
Описание слайда:

Эквадор Ecuador Prezentacii.com

№ слайда 2 Earn Oregon credit Apply Oregon financial aid Study in Ecuador!
Описание слайда:

Earn Oregon credit Apply Oregon financial aid Study in Ecuador!

№ слайда 3 From equatorial coastline to the pinnacles of the Andes mountains, Ecuador offer
Описание слайда:

From equatorial coastline to the pinnacles of the Andes mountains, Ecuador offers a mix of Spanish colonial, Incan, and Indian cultures Ecuador Quito or Galapagos Islands

№ слайда 4 Explore the jungle or coastline Hike in the mountains Go to Indian markets fille
Описание слайда:

Explore the jungle or coastline Hike in the mountains Go to Indian markets filled with colorful, handcrafted goods Ecuador Quito or Galapagos Islands

№ слайда 5 Capital of Ecuador Over a million people In the Andes Mountains (elevation 9,300
Описание слайда:

Capital of Ecuador Over a million people In the Andes Mountains (elevation 9,300 feet) Ecuador Quito

№ слайда 6 Ecuador Study at PUCE or USFQ Quito Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Описание слайда:

Ecuador Study at PUCE or USFQ Quito Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ)

№ слайда 7 Ecuador PUCE or USFQ Quito Study Spanish language and culture and/or Take regula
Описание слайда:

Ecuador PUCE or USFQ Quito Study Spanish language and culture and/or Take regular university classes in a variety of subjects Live with a homestay family “Everything – the people, the country, the courses – exceeded my expectations. It has been the best experience in my life.”

№ слайда 8 Ecuador PUCE or USFQ Quito Open to all majors Requires two years or more college
Описание слайда:

Ecuador PUCE or USFQ Quito Open to all majors Requires two years or more college-level Spanish (or equivalent) Fall term, fall/winter terms, winter/spring terms, or academic year

№ слайда 9 Ecuador Study in the Galapagos Islands Courses in the natural and social science
Описание слайда:

Ecuador Study in the Galapagos Islands Courses in the natural and social sciences Courses taught in English USFQ- GAIAS Institute

№ слайда 10 Ecuador Galapagos Islands Open to all majors Requires one year or more college-l
Описание слайда:

Ecuador Galapagos Islands Open to all majors Requires one year or more college-level Spanish (or equivalent) Fall term or winter/spring terms USFQ- GAIAS Institute

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