Domestic animals Френдак Галина Емельяновна,Учитель английского языкаКопьёвской средней школы
Have (Has) = иметь
The hen has a chicken.What does it say?Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep,All through the day.
The duck has a duckling.What does it say?Qwack, qwack, qwackAll through the day.
The sheep has a lambWhat does it say?Baa, baa, baa, baaAll through the day
The pig has a piglet.What does it say?Khrju, khrju, khrjuAll through the day
The cat has a kitten.What does it say?Mew, mew, mew, mewAll through the day.
The dog has a puppy.What does it say?Bow, bow, bow, bowAll through the day.
The caw has a calf.What does it say?Mu, mu, mu, muAll through the day.
The horse has a foal.What does it say?Jogogo, jogogo, jogogoAll through the day
The she-goat has a kid.What does it say?Me, me, me, meAll through the day
The goose has a gosling.What does it say?Ga, ga, ga, gaAll through the day.
The snail has a baby.What does it say?It doesn’t say anythingAll through the day.
Использованные ресурсы курица с цыпленком утка с утенком овца с ягненком свинья с поросенком кошка с котенком собака с щенкомhttp://страна-лукоморье.рф/UserFiles/Image/ylitka.jpg улитка корова с теленком лошадь с жеребенком коза с козленком гусь с гусенком ферма ферма фон титульная рамка