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Презентация на тему: Добро пажаловать в Нью-Йорк

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Презентация на тему: Добро пажаловать в Нью-Йорк

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№ слайда 1 Welcome to New York!
Описание слайда:

Welcome to New York!

№ слайда 2 Information of New York New York is on the Hudson River. Another name for New Yo
Описание слайда:

Information of New York New York is on the Hudson River. Another name for New York is America’s Big Apple. New York attracts many people from other parts of the country.

№ слайда 3 New York consists of 5 boroughs Staten Island Brooklyn Queens Manhattan Bronx
Описание слайда:

New York consists of 5 boroughs Staten Island Brooklyn Queens Manhattan Bronx

№ слайда 4 The Emblem of New York The Flag of New-York
Описание слайда:

The Emblem of New York The Flag of New-York

№ слайда 5 New York is the nation’s largest city, a national leader in business, finance, m
Описание слайда:

New York is the nation’s largest city, a national leader in business, finance, manufacturing, fashion, music and literature.

№ слайда 6 Manhattan is the heart of the city. There are thousands of things to do and plac
Описание слайда:

Manhattan is the heart of the city. There are thousands of things to do and places to visit for tourists.

№ слайда 7 Broadway is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan. This is the home of many Br
Описание слайда:

Broadway is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan. This is the home of many Broadway theatres.

№ слайда 8 New York is a global center for the television, advertising, music, newspaper an
Описание слайда:

New York is a global center for the television, advertising, music, newspaper and book publishing industries and is also the largest media market in North America. Two of the three national daily newspapers in the United States are New York papers.

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 10
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