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Презентация на тему: Disco

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Презентация на тему: Disco

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№ слайда 1 DISCO
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№ слайда 2 New Style The middle 80 has brought new interest to a disco genre. As the basic
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New Style The middle 80 has brought new interest to a disco genre. As the basic musicians working in this direction, were in Europe, a new wave of a disco began to call EuroDisco

№ слайда 3 CLOTHES Disco-style basis — jeans. Some men dare to carry jeans «on hips». In a
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CLOTHES Disco-style basis — jeans. Some men dare to carry jeans «on hips». In a fashion — an embroidery and accessory on jeans.The special glamour considers the white man's suit which has been put on together with a black shirt with the big collar on top of a jacket. Polo-necks enter into a fashion. Besides the classical colours accepted in a man's fashion, there are orange, salad, bright yellow shirts, polo-necks, a sweater.Disco-style has apprehended much from sports style. Besides polo-necks, multi - coloured T-shirts, shorts, leggings. Sometimes the four-wheel roller fads in style of a retro.

№ слайда 4
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№ слайда 5 FOR WOMEN Women`s fashion is not less various: jeans maxi-skirts, sundresses, sh
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FOR WOMEN Women`s fashion is not less various: jeans maxi-skirts, sundresses, shorts and T-shirts of loud colouring. In a fashion — brilliant fabrics, superfluous-bright costume jewellery. Easy barefoot persons on thin heels-hairpins become in the late seventies popular. The most courageous women of fashion prefer "silvery" barefoot persons.

№ слайда 6 Hairdresses The magnificent hairdress «afro». In a fashion also straight lines,
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Hairdresses The magnificent hairdress «afro». In a fashion also straight lines, long, a fair hair at girls. The hair-dye becomes more and more sparing is allows the woman to reach with any type of hair of a fashionable shade. Young men carry the magnificent hairdresses covering ears. Dense bangs and big "caps" of hair are actual.

№ слайда 7 Decline In the beginning 90 in a dance music the new directions which have defin
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Decline In the beginning 90 in a dance music the new directions which have definitively replaced with self a disco were generated. It, first of all, Euro Dance, Techno Dance, Italian Dance and Italian House.

№ слайда 8 Nowadays New-Disco — A genre of a dance music of the XXI century. A mix of Itali
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Nowadays New-Disco — A genre of a dance music of the XXI century. A mix of Italian Disco and a music House, name New-disco has appeared in 2002 and to the middle of 2008 has been already populated. New -disco is a transition from new style.

№ слайда 9 THANK YOU!
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