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Презентация на тему: Choosing a profession people with disabilities

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Презентация на тему: Choosing a profession people with disabilities

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№ слайда 1 Choosing a profession people with disabilities
Описание слайда:

Choosing a profession people with disabilities

№ слайда 2 Over time, each of us has a difficult life choice - the choice of profession. So
Описание слайда:

Over time, each of us has a difficult life choice - the choice of profession. Sometimes it is very difficult to define, but we can choose from more than one hundred thousand specialties. But what about people with disabilities?

№ слайда 3 Jobs for people with disabilities is often one of the most pressing problems, al
Описание слайда:

Jobs for people with disabilities is often one of the most pressing problems, although the right to work is enshrined in the Constitution. Regardless of the category and degree of disability, whether spinalnik, hard of hearing or visually impaired, people with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, everyone has the right to work.

№ слайда 4 Work Manager - one of the most urgent occupations among people with disabilities
Описание слайда:

Work Manager - one of the most urgent occupations among people with disabilities, for answering the phone, you can stay home and not go to the office, the road to which requires a lot of effort because of inconvenience in transportation. In particular, this profession is suitable for people with paralyzed limbs.

№ слайда 5 Working with a computer is used in many popular occupations: accountant, manager
Описание слайда:

Working with a computer is used in many popular occupations: accountant, manager, programmer, creator of sites and other people with disabilities also have the choice of one of these professions. Working in this industry is real in the office and at home.

№ слайда 6 For people in wheelchairs have many options trades at home: a seamstress and tai
Описание слайда:

For people in wheelchairs have many options trades at home: a seamstress and tailor, packer and many others. With a talent for sewing, you can do what he likes even disability.

№ слайда 7 One would think that the sport is open to people with disabilities, however, the
Описание слайда:

One would think that the sport is open to people with disabilities, however, the choice of a profession, you can try there. There are many examples where these people achieved brilliant success. Indeed, there are even Paralympic Games.

№ слайда 8 In choosing a career it all depends on the person, on his desire to do something
Описание слайда:

In choosing a career it all depends on the person, on his desire to do something, from the desire to find information on the problem posed, from relatives and friends who are ready to help. Passive person and will remain the "bed-rock", under which the water is not flowing. After all, always, in all circumstances, man himself becomes your destiny. One asks for help and relies on charity, and the other seeks to find a way out. Everyone has their own idea of happiness and well-being, and goes to him his way. In choosing a career it all depends on the person, on his desire to do something, from the desire to find information on the problem posed, from relatives and friends who are ready to help. Passive person and will remain the "bed-rock", under which the water is not flowing. After all, always, in all circumstances, man himself becomes your destiny. One asks for help and relies on charity, and the other seeks to find a way out. Everyone has their own idea of happiness and well-being, and goes to him his way.

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