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Презентация на тему: Чикаго

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Презентация на тему: Чикаго

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№ слайда 1 CHICAGO
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№ слайда 5 Chicago has three million people and is the third-biggest city in the United Sta
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Chicago has three million people and is the third-biggest city in the United States. It grew up quickly, being incorporated as a city only in 1837. Chicago has three million people and is the third-biggest city in the United States. It grew up quickly, being incorporated as a city only in 1837.

№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7 Chicago’s nicknames are: the Windy City, the City of Big Shoulders, the Second C
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Chicago’s nicknames are: the Windy City, the City of Big Shoulders, the Second City, and The City That Works.

№ слайда 8 Today, Chicago is known as the Windy City. Walking around it you might suspect t
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Today, Chicago is known as the Windy City. Walking around it you might suspect that Chicago got this nickname from the winds off Lake Michigan. But the true origin of the saying comes from politics.

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№ слайда 12 The Willis Tower is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere at 110 storie
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The Willis Tower is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere at 110 stories high. The Willis Tower is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere at 110 stories high.

№ слайда 13 Chicago's "Eye" sculpture Chicago's "Eye" sculpture
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Chicago's "Eye" sculpture Chicago's "Eye" sculpture

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№ слайда 15 SHOPPING
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