BOOKWORMSFrom very beginning of our life we are closely connected with books.
I тип II тип III тип IVтип
Humorous story
AdventureDetectivefictionScience Humorous story
A story with a hero in a dangerous travelling –A funny story – A story in future or in space –A story for theater –A story of life written by another person –A story about a strange event – A very interesting adventure story -
A(n) story is an exciting story about a hero who goes on an unusual journey and does new and dangerous things.A story is about events that take place in the future or in space and usually describes strange creatures and robots A is a serious and emotional play? Written for the theatre, television or radio.A is a story about a crime or a strange event that is difficult to explain. A(n) is a funny story with a happy ending.A is the story of a person’s life written by another person.
Miss Marple(Agatha Christie)Sherlock Holmes(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) Captain Nemo(Jule Verne)
A person, who writes books
Books can be
As soon asWhenAfterUntilthen
I watched the film after/when I read the book.Until/as soon as I cooked dinner we eat.When/after he saw her he fell in love.We saw a snake in the fountain and until/then had a shock.
С3 Task 1 Give a 2-minute talk on your favourite book.Remember to say :What kind of book it isWho the main characters are and whether you like themWhat happens in the bookWhy it is your favourite
My favourite bookMy favourite book is………………It’s a (detective, humorous, short) story (novel,poem).It’s author is…………….He is a talented (creative,extraordinary………).The main character(s) of this book is (are)…. I like him (her) because he (she) is kind,……..The story (poem, novel) tells about love,(friendship, nobility,……I like it because it teaches life, kindness,……….(Don`t forget about linking words!)
Please try again
A person, who writes books
Books can be
ДетективДрама КомедияНаучная фантастикаЮмористич. историяСказкаБиографияРоманИстория УжасКлассика
ПриключенияДетективДрама КомедияНаучная фантастикаЮмористич. историяСказкаБиографияРоманИстория УжасКлассика