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Презентация на тему: Body Art

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Презентация на тему: Body Art

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№ слайда 1 Body Art as one of the forms of art
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Body Art as one of the forms of art

№ слайда 2 Body art can be divided: Tattoos Body piercing Body painting
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Body art can be divided: Tattoos Body piercing Body painting

№ слайда 3 Tattoos A few words about tattooing and its history
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Tattoos A few words about tattooing and its history

№ слайда 4 Different reasons for tattooing
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Different reasons for tattooing

№ слайда 5 Cosmetics Permanent make up
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Cosmetics Permanent make up

№ слайда 6 Prevalence Tattoos have experienced a growth in popularity that 50% of the young
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Prevalence Tattoos have experienced a growth in popularity that 50% of the young population of the world has a tattoo.

№ слайда 7 Health risks infection and allergic reactions
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Health risks infection and allergic reactions

№ слайда 8 Temporary tattoos with the use of henna
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Temporary tattoos with the use of henna

№ слайда 9 Body Piercing a form of body modification
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Body Piercing a form of body modification

№ слайда 10 A few words about body piercing and its history
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A few words about body piercing and its history

№ слайда 11 Ear piercing
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Ear piercing

№ слайда 12 Body piercing first body piercing studio in 1978
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Body piercing first body piercing studio in 1978

№ слайда 13 Health risks care must be taken to avoid infection
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Health risks care must be taken to avoid infection

№ слайда 14 Body Painting Body painting as a form of body art
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Body Painting Body painting as a form of body art

№ слайда 15 A few words about body painting and its history Body painting appeared in ancien
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A few words about body painting and its history Body painting appeared in ancient cultures

№ слайда 16 Actors and clown painted their faces Actors and clown painted their faces
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Actors and clown painted their faces Actors and clown painted their faces

№ слайда 17 The first gallery of body painting was opened The first gallery of body painting
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The first gallery of body painting was opened The first gallery of body painting was opened

№ слайда 18 Body painting festivals body painting is huge in both amateur and professional a
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Body painting festivals body painting is huge in both amateur and professional areas

№ слайда 19 The World Body Painting Festival in Austria is the biggest art event in the body
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The World Body Painting Festival in Austria is the biggest art event in the body painting theme The World Body Painting Festival in Austria is the biggest art event in the body painting theme

№ слайда 20 Body painting in the commercial arena
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Body painting in the commercial arena

№ слайда 21 Face painting
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Face painting

№ слайда 22 Designs that include the emblems of favorite cartoon characters Designs that inc
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Designs that include the emblems of favorite cartoon characters Designs that include the emblems of favorite cartoon characters

№ слайда 23 Costuming designs which transform the wearer into someone/something completely d
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Costuming designs which transform the wearer into someone/something completely different Costuming designs which transform the wearer into someone/something completely different

№ слайда 24 Popular face painting designs include: Tiger - consists of a body of orange and
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Popular face painting designs include: Tiger - consists of a body of orange and yellow paint, with black stripes painted on

№ слайда 25 Butterfly - the body of the butterfly painted on the nose and the wings added ac
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Butterfly - the body of the butterfly painted on the nose and the wings added across the cheeks. Butterfly - the body of the butterfly painted on the nose and the wings added across the cheeks.

№ слайда 26 Cat - neutral body of paint with bushy eyebrows and a muzzle. Cat - neutral body
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Cat - neutral body of paint with bushy eyebrows and a muzzle. Cat - neutral body of paint with bushy eyebrows and a muzzle.

№ слайда 27 Use in military Camouflage purposes
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Use in military Camouflage purposes

№ слайда 28 Hand art
Описание слайда:

Hand art

№ слайда 29 The End
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The End

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