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Презентация на тему: What makes a perfect trip?

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Презентация на тему: What makes a perfect trip?

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№ слайда 1 What makes a perfect trip?
Описание слайда:

What makes a perfect trip?

№ слайда 2 How can you explain this proverb? The world is a book, and those who don’t trave
Описание слайда:

How can you explain this proverb? The world is a book, and those who don’t travel read only a page.

№ слайда 3 Remember how to work in pairs Always try to speak English. Suggest your answer.
Описание слайда:

Remember how to work in pairs Always try to speak English. Suggest your answer. Start with:  I think ...In my opinion ... Agree or disagree with your partner. Start with:  I agree with you. I disagree with you.You are right. You are not right.I think so. I don’t think so. 

№ слайда 4 Do exercise 1 on the worksheet: listen to your classmates and complete the state
Описание слайда:

Do exercise 1 on the worksheet: listen to your classmates and complete the statements I travel because …My favourite way of travelling is …When I travel I …I think travelling is …

№ слайда 5 Do exercise 2: what things make trips perfect? Choose the correct items
Описание слайда:

Do exercise 2: what things make trips perfect? Choose the correct items

№ слайда 6 Do exercise 3 on the worksheet: listen and complete the table, then talk about e
Описание слайда:

Do exercise 3 on the worksheet: listen and complete the table, then talk about each person

№ слайда 7 Do exercise 4 on the worksheet: read the advertisements and match three of them
Описание слайда:

Do exercise 4 on the worksheet: read the advertisements and match three of them to these people Mario Silva likes sports and loves cooking. He wants a cheap holiday. He doesn't want to spend a lot of money on food. Jack Samuels wants to take his family on holiday. They usually go to the sea, but this year they want to try a winter sports holiday. Susie Forster likes being with a lot of people, but she doesn't like beach holidays or very hot weather. .

№ слайда 8 Key answers
Описание слайда:

Key answers

№ слайда 9 Do exercise 5 on the worksheet: watch the presentation and complete the table.
Описание слайда:

Do exercise 5 on the worksheet: watch the presentation and complete the table.

№ слайда 10 Draw a spidergram
Описание слайда:

Draw a spidergram

№ слайда 11 A letter from an English pen-friend Last month I went to Paris with my family. A
Описание слайда:

A letter from an English pen-friend Last month I went to Paris with my family. All the excursions were very interesting but it rained all the time. We saw The Eiffel Tower, the Louver and other sights of Paris. I didn’t like the hotel. It was noisy and the food was awful. But in spite of it we enjoyed our holiday very much. Have you ever been to France? What other countries have you been to? Was your trip perfect? Why?

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