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Презентация на тему: Artyom Borovik

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Презентация на тему: Artyom Borovik

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№ слайда 1 Artyom Borovik Presentation has created: The pupil 8 classes “B” AMBOUSOSH №4 As
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Artyom Borovik Presentation has created: The pupil 8 classes “B” AMBOUSOSH №4 Asbest cities Sverdlovsk regional awn Matyazh Denis

№ слайда 2 Artem Borovik was born on September, 13th, 1960 in a family of the political ana
Описание слайда:

Artem Borovik was born on September, 13th, 1960 in a family of the political analyst, the writer and playwright Henry Borovika. Worked as the journalist in various Soviet editions, including magazine "Ogonek" under which task some times went to Afghanistan. The author of the book, the devoted war in Afghanistan. In 1988 some time served in Army of the USA within the limits of experiment in which course the Soviet journalist went to the American army, and American – in Soviet. About the army experience has written the book «As I was the soldier of army of the USA».

№ слайда 3 For work in Afghanistan Artem has been awarded by a medal. It had many awards: i
Описание слайда:

For work in Afghanistan Artem has been awarded by a medal. It had many awards: it was the winner of the award, the winner of award TEFI, awards. Has been awarded by a medal of the Union of Journalists. He is a unique journalist (not only in Russia, but also all over the world) who twice – in 1992 and 1994, has been awarded the prestigious American award in the field of journalism Edvard murrow award.

№ слайда 4 конец During last interview in the life, which Artem has given on NTV channel in
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конец During last interview in the life, which Artem has given on NTV channel in the night from 6 for March, 7th, 2000, from one of televiewers the question has come on a pager: "If you such fair why you are live till now?." Exactly in 56 hours, in the morning on March, 9th, 2000 plane Jak-40 which was carrying out private flight to Kiev in which there was Artem Borovik, has broken at launch at the Moscow airport Sheremtevo-1. Together with it all passengers (8 persons) and crewmen were lost.

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