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Презентация на тему: Animal world

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Презентация на тему: Animal world

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№ слайда 1 Animal world
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Animal world

№ слайда 2 Fox This is a fox. It lives in the forest. It likes chickens, hares and ducks
Описание слайда:

Fox This is a fox. It lives in the forest. It likes chickens, hares and ducks

№ слайда 3 wolf This is a wolf .It is grey. It lives in the forest. It eats cows, sheep and
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wolf This is a wolf .It is grey. It lives in the forest. It eats cows, sheep and other small animals.

№ слайда 4 monkey It is a wild animal. It is black or brown. It is small. It lives in Afric
Описание слайда:

monkey It is a wild animal. It is black or brown. It is small. It lives in Africa. It lives in a family. It talks with its hands and face.

№ слайда 5 tiger It is a wild animal. It is brown with black stripes. It lives in Russia. I
Описание слайда:

tiger It is a wild animal. It is brown with black stripes. It lives in Russia. It hunts small animals. It jumps and runs very well.

№ слайда 6 cheetah It is a wild animal. It is very clever. A cheetah has got spots. It live
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cheetah It is a wild animal. It is very clever. A cheetah has got spots. It lives in Africa. It hunts small animals. It hides in the jungle.

№ слайда 7 bear It is a wild animal. It is brown. It is very big. It lives in Russia. A bea
Описание слайда:

bear It is a wild animal. It is brown. It is very big. It lives in Russia. A bear lives in the forest. It eats berries and honey. It also eats fish.

№ слайда 8 dolphin It is a wild animal. It lives in water. It can swim very well. It is gre
Описание слайда:

dolphin It is a wild animal. It lives in water. It can swim very well. It is grey, white and black. The dolphin is very clever and kind. It likes to play. And it can save people.

№ слайда 9 giraffe It is a wild animal. It lives in Africa. It is orange and white with bla
Описание слайда:

giraffe It is a wild animal. It lives in Africa. It is orange and white with black spots. It has got a long neck. It can run fast.

№ слайда 10 спасибо за внимание
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