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Презентация на тему: Adjectives in English

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Презентация на тему: Adjectives in English

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№ слайда 1 Adjectives in English
Описание слайда:

Adjectives in English

№ слайда 2 There are three degrees: There are three degrees:
Описание слайда:

There are three degrees: There are three degrees:

№ слайда 3 Usually, the ending er/est is simply added to the positive form of the adjective
Описание слайда:

Usually, the ending er/est is simply added to the positive form of the adjective. For example: fast - faster  strong - stronger  Usually, the ending er/est is simply added to the positive form of the adjective. For example: fast - faster  strong - stronger  tall - tallest  young - youngest When an adjective ends in a silent e, the silent e is dropped before the ending er/est is added. e.g.:  brave - braver - bravest  close - closer - closest late - later - latest

№ слайда 4 When an adjective ends in y preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i befor
Описание слайда:

When an adjective ends in y preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i before the ending er/est is added. When an adjective ends in y preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i before the ending er/est is added. e.g.:  dry - drier-driest;   easy - easier-easiest When an adjective ends in a CVC and the last consonant is other than w, x or y or a double vowel - we double the final consonant before adding er/est is added. e.g.:  big - bigger-biggest  (hot - hotter  sad - saddest but: e.g.: loud - louder;  neat - neater;  soon - sooner

№ слайда 5 Adjectives of 2 or more syllables (unless it ends with r or y), we make superior
Описание слайда:

Adjectives of 2 or more syllables (unless it ends with r or y), we make superior by using: Adjectives of 2 or more syllables (unless it ends with r or y), we make superior by using: the most / the least adjective noun. This book is the most / the least interesting book I have ever read.

№ слайда 6 Adjectives of 2 or more syllables (unless it ends with r or y), we compare by us
Описание слайда:

Adjectives of 2 or more syllables (unless it ends with r or y), we compare by using: Adjectives of 2 or more syllables (unless it ends with r or y), we compare by using: noun verb more / less ____ than noun. This book is more interesting than that book. My ad is less convincing than your ad.

№ слайда 7
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 8
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 9
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 10
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 11 -ful having… useful -ful having… useful giving… helpful -less without fearless -
Описание слайда:

-ful having… useful -ful having… useful giving… helpful -less without fearless -ly having the qualities of cowardly -like ‘’ childlike -y like… creamy covered with… hairy -ish belonging to Turkish having the character foolish -ian in the tradition of Darwinian

№ слайда 12 Other adjective suffixes: Other adjective suffixes: -able/-ible = worthy/able: r
Описание слайда:

Other adjective suffixes: Other adjective suffixes: -able/-ible = worthy/able: readable/edible -ish = somewhat youngish -ed = having balconied

№ слайда 13 Adjective suffixes meaning Adjective suffixes meaning “having the characteristic
Описание слайда:

Adjective suffixes meaning Adjective suffixes meaning “having the characteristics of…/ peculiar to…/ full of ….” -al criminal (also –ial editorial and –ical musical -ic heroic -ive attractive (also – ative affirmative and -itive sensitive -ous virtuous (also –eous courteous and –ious vivacious

№ слайда 14 NOTE! -ic vs. -ical NOTE! -ic vs. -ical (difference in meaning) an economic mira
Описание слайда:

NOTE! -ic vs. -ical NOTE! -ic vs. -ical (difference in meaning) an economic miracle ( in the economy) the car is economical to run ( money-saving) a historic building (with a history) historical research (pertaining to history)

№ слайда 15 Fully substantivized – have all characteristics of a noun a native - the natives
Описание слайда:

Fully substantivized – have all characteristics of a noun a native - the natives, a Russian - the Russians, a German - the Germans. Fully substantivized – have all characteristics of a noun a native - the natives, a Russian - the Russians, a German - the Germans. Partially substantivized – are used as nouns only to show a group, many the rich, the unemployed, the good, the evil, the beau­tiful, the English.

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