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Презентация на тему: Hawaii

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Презентация на тему: Hawaii

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№ слайда 1 Hawaii
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№ слайда 2
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№ слайда 3 Hawaiian Islands discovered by Captain James Cook in 1778. Hawaii is located in
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Hawaiian Islands discovered by Captain James Cook in 1778. Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and represent an isolated group. They made up of 8 large and 12 small islands. The largest island of the archipelago is Hawaii. The most popular islands among tourists are: Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Lanai and Molokai.

№ слайда 4 The population of the Hawaiian Islands is 1.1 million people.State languages in
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The population of the Hawaiian Islands is 1.1 million people.State languages in the Hawaiian Islands are English and Hawaiian.The majority of the population belongs to the Catholic and Protestant churches. The national capital is Honolulu.

№ слайда 5 Political system of Hawaii Hawaiian Islands - the fiftieth state of the U.S. rep
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Political system of Hawaii Hawaiian Islands - the fiftieth state of the U.S. republic. In accordance with the Constitution, legislative power complies bicameral Congress. Executive power in the U.S., including Hawaii, carried out by the president.

№ слайда 6 The economy of Hawaii is based primarily on tourism and services. On the Islands
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The economy of Hawaii is based primarily on tourism and services. On the Islands there are many resorts, natural and historical sights, including the national parks of the main industries: sugar and fruit canning. Oahu is the economically most developed island.

№ слайда 7 On the island of Hawaii are there are two most active volcano on Earth - Mauna L
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On the island of Hawaii are there are two most active volcano on Earth - Mauna Loa and Kilauea. Mauna Loa is the highest active volcano in the world. Eruption of Mauna Loa occur on average once every 4.5 years.

№ слайда 8 The most famous native of Hawaii is Barack Obama
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The most famous native of Hawaii is Barack Obama

№ слайда 9 Haleakala National ParkThis special place vibrates with stories of ancient and m
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Haleakala National ParkThis special place vibrates with stories of ancient and modern Hawaiian culture and protects the bond between the land and its people. The park also cares for endangered species, some of which exist nowhere else.

№ слайда 10 Surfing History of Surfing began in Hawaii, hundreds, perhaps thousands of years
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Surfing History of Surfing began in Hawaii, hundreds, perhaps thousands of years ago. The first boards were made of solid wood, and only a narrow range on the art of their control.Surfing - the king of sports, and Hawaii is highly sought after by athletes for huge waves. Most often, novice surfers are going to study in Waikiki, and on the north island of Oahu, they watch the pros.

№ слайда 11 For divers did not find a better place than Hawaii. The most favorite places for
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For divers did not find a better place than Hawaii. The most favorite places for them are the "Cave of the eel," "Turtle Hole" and for fans of unusual excitement of adventure "Night of the meeting with the mantle."

№ слайда 12 Hawaiian shirts are the world famous tailors products to Hawaii. She is recogniz
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Hawaiian shirts are the world famous tailors products to Hawaii. She is recognized throughout the world. Their history goes back decades and it takes its origin in the 30's of last century. At present it is a whole industry of fashion.

№ слайда 13 Striking feature for Hawaii are Hawaiian dances. Fiery and funny, they go back t
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Striking feature for Hawaii are Hawaiian dances. Fiery and funny, they go back to ancient times, when there lived the savage tribes, dances for which they were a symbol of magic ritual, which brings good luck to the soldiers in the fighting or asking the pagan gods of the long-awaited rain.

№ слайда 14 In Polynesian mythology, Tiki statue often symbolizes the first man on Earth. Th
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In Polynesian mythology, Tiki statue often symbolizes the first man on Earth. These figures continue to be used in religious rituals in some Polynesian cultures. Tiki statue is the image of a particular god and were stored in his power of God. Carefully carved figurines could protect people from harm, to give them strength in times of war and ensure a good harvest. Important gods of Hawaii, who have their tiks are:Ku - god of warLono - the god of agriculture and the worldKane - god-father, patron of sunlight, forests and waterKanaloa - god of the sea

№ слайда 15 Today, the most memorable and enjoyable tradition is, perhaps, giving lei garlan
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Today, the most memorable and enjoyable tradition is, perhaps, giving lei garlands. According to this tradition of lei are presented together with a kiss, and fields can be given to shoot only in the absence of that person who you put it on.

№ слайда 16
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№ слайда 17 Thank you for your attention !!!
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Thank you for your attention !!!

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